Danger Zone Fire Fire Indie

Album Details
Produced By: Danger Zone
Running Time: Single
Release Date: Out Now
Genre: Melodic Rock
SongLink: Danger Zone
Artist Bio

The Italian band Danger Zone from Bologna, after the long awaited "Line Of Fire" (Avenue of Allies 2011) and their comeback album Undying (Avenue of Allies 2012) release a new single and video. During the recording studio sessions, along with the songs that made it on the Undying track list, Danger Zone had brought to new life Fire Fire, a gem from the past produced and written by Jody Gray (their historical producer and vocal coach). The song, originally recorded by the Japanese EZO, has been a pivotal moment in Danger Zone recent live acts and now will be available as studio cut

. To mark a link between recent albums and the future work, Danger Zone today presents exclusively as digital download their powerful remake of Fire Fire together with a great lyric video.

And the news doesn't stop here! Danger Zone welcome bassist Matteo Minghetti, already a "member" of the band as live bass player and sound tech in some live dates . Roberto Galli, the official bass player of the band, has been forced to step back due to the increasing number of live musical projects. Roberto will remain within the Danger Zone family as studio recording musician and maybe we will see him on the stage again for few gigs with the band in the next future. See you soon for new live dates and updates from the studio.

Greetings to all rock and roll fans out there and Stand In Line Of Fire!

Danger Zone - Giacomo Gigantelli - vocals; Roberto Priori - guitars; Paolo Palmieri - drums; Matteo Minghetti - bass.

Music video by Eklipse Media. Thanx to: Varus drums, Ufip cymbals, G.Art guitars, Casale Bauer spa, Washburn guitars, Randall amps.