To Join the MelodicRockXtra Members Lounge - click on the above PayPal logo for instant donation to the website. Any questions - e-mail!

Then, log onto and enjoy the extras!

If you are NOT using credit card/PayPal, please e-mail me for other options including cash memberships!

A US$35.00 donation to the website will get you access to MR-X, an area establsihed to help ensure the site's ongoing viability - valid for a period of 12 months / 365 days - starting from the very day you join.

What you get for your donation!

A 12 month subscription. Each week something new is featured within the MR-X area.
Feature Album's, Singles, Out Of Print Classics, Unrelease Material, Rare, Live and Collectors tracks....


But are the Members happy with what's on offer? Here are just a few bits of feedback so far:

It's still the best money I spend all year. Scott.
After a few years of reading Melodic Rock I've finally become a member of MR-X. I realise I should have done so earlier and not waited until my subscription to Classic Rock magazine lapsed. In my first 2 weeks of membership I've had more value than 3 years subscription to CR. Andrew.
I have been a subscriber since pretty early on and I, for one, have to say that what you have on offer is a ridiculously good value. Ryan.
Just wanted to say that MRX is fuckin' great!!! Stephan.
The members only lounge is superb, the mp3's are excellent and the giveaways and other features are on point. I just wanted to say congratulations and to say that my $30 are proudly and happily spent. Jason
The edition of MR-X is fantastic. It was the best $30 I have spent in a long time! Knowing what I know now about MR-X, I would have spent more if asked.
AMAZING... It's all I can say... one of the best 30$ invest in my whole life...Marc Vanway
Those $ 30 have already paid off. Now I don't have to buy those damn expensive Jap cd's...Daniel
MRX is awesome! - Carl
I finally made it through Paypal and got into MR-X, and damned good it looks too....Mike
I really like the Melodicrock extra. It's a bargin a $30 a year....Scott Watson
I was skeptical to be honest, but it delivers...Kurt Torster

More Details: Follow the above logo link – it will take you to

Subscription details are already in place and if you have a PayPal account, simply enter your username and password and the transaction will go through.
If you are not a PayPal user, but wish to charge this to a credit card, then simply follow the prompts for first time users. If you are signing up to PayPal for the first time – I think it will take a few days to get access to the system and therefore the Members Lounge.

If you do not wish to use a credit card or establish a PayPal account, there are other options. You can snail mail me the payment directly and I will set up password/username details and send those to you upon the payment's arrival. Payment via cash is preferable, due to bank charges on any other format.
Cash can be sent in US Dollars, or any other currency to the equivalent value.

As you may have read – the Members Only Xtra area has been set up to help guarantee the long term viability of this site.
Through subscribing to the Xtra's Lounge, you contribute to the support of this site and in turn, get some cool stuff out of it for yourselves.

MelodicRockXtra is a subscription only area. The cost to subscribe is $35.00 US per year.
You can join at any stage – the subscription starts the day you join and runs 365 days from that date, upon which a renewal enquiry will be e-mailed to you.
The whole subscription area is run by PayPal – including payments, password management and renewal notices. Click on the PayPal logo to join and once the payment has been accepted, the access username and passwords are e-mailed to you.

Then, follow the MelodicRockXtra link to log into the Lounge. Once you have entered the details once – your browser should ask if you would like those details remembered.
After that, access should be as easy as typing in the URL.
The members Lounge is located at:

There is no trial period set for MR-X.
If the preview page isn't enough and you would like to know more about the contents of the Lounge, e-mail me.
Additionally, there is no other option as yet, other than the $35.00 up front payment.
There were a few requests for monthly payments, which may be offered at a later date, but for now - it's the one flat fee.
If you are in any way not satisfied with the value of your subscription, please e-mail me and I'll address that.